5. Homework

Chapter 5 homework problems, beginning on page 197 in the book (PDF page 210).

  • 2019-01-10: Exercise 5
  • 2019-01-11: Exercise 6

Note: When you compute results two different ways, you should do a statistical test to determine whether the difference is significant.

Significance Testing

Normal stats method:

  1. Standardize your results to have mean 0 and variance 1. This number is called the z-score.

    z = (value - mean)/standard deviation
  2. Find out the probability of observing a number with at least this absolute value - P( |num| > z ). The survivor function (sf) is P(num > z), so make sure z is positive and double it to account for the possibilty of a negative.

    p = scipy.stats.norm().sf(z) * 2

One way to generate a 95% confidence interval about a mean of xmean with a standard deviation of xstdev:

    scipy.stats.norm().interval(0.95, loc=xmean, scale=xstdev)

Exercise 5

Common problems:

  • StatsModels requires numerical result for predicting with a logistic regression.

  • The LogitResult from your StatsModels logistic regression has a predict method which takes in data frame containing the test data.

  • It is OK to choose your validation set by randomly selecting each row with a 50% probability.

  • The validation set shows that the error rate is about 2.5% for 5.b.iv.

  • Bootstrap gives about 2.7% with a standard error of about 0.2%.

Source for the data:

df_raw = pd.read_csv('http://vincentarelbundock.github.io/Rdatasets/csv/ISLR/Default.csv')
df = df_raw.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0'])

Exercise 6

The data is the same. You should read the high-level view in the Notes for this chapter so that you know how the bootstrap works.

  • The book talks about glm but this means use the StatsModels Logit regression and summary2 from the LogitResults.

  • You are supposed to estimate the standard errors of the logistic regression coefficients with the bootstrap. That means your boot1 function needs to compute the coefficients of a random sample and return them. The coefficients are the params field.

  • You have to write your own bootstrap code to repeat the random sampling N times (N=100 seems good). Store the data in a list and then make it into a data frame

  • 6(d): Use a statistical test in your discussion. Specifically: find the likelihood that given the mean and standard deviation you estimate from the bootstrap, that the coefficients from the initial logistic regression come from the same distribution. Use the technique and code from the “Significance Testing” section above.