Exploring CS (Teachers)

This page is dedicated to teacher links for Exploring Computer Science.

Web Hosting Platforms

  • Cloud9

    • Cost: $1/teacher/month = basically free.
    • Live display of website results.
    • Easy to upload images. (“Upload local files…”)
    • Interface is busy (lots of features, maybe too many for a beginner).
    • Many languages.
  • Repl.it

    • Cost:
    • No upload of images.
    • Nice simple interface for beginners.
    • Many languages including Python with turtle graphics.

Editors: Mac

  • TextMate 2.0beta. Tested and works fine on modern Mac OS (10.12) as well as older.
    • Light weight (13MB)
    • Can run off a flash drive; no Administrator required.
    • HTML mode highlights and saves as “.html” automatically.

Editors: Windows