4. Notes

Vocabulary and abbreviations

  • LDA = Linear Discriminant Analysis (same covariance for each class)
  • QDA = Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (different covariance for each class)
  • KNN = k-Nearest Neighbors
  • Confusion matrix: a table of predicted vs true counts or probabilities
  • Sensitivity: fraction of “true” correctly identified (correctly predicted positives / all predicted positives)
  • Recall: sensitivity
  • Specificity: fraction of “false” correctly identified (true negatives / predicted negatives )
  • Precision: correctly predicted positive / all predicted positive.
  • Type I Error: false positive
  • Type II Error: false negative
  • ROC curve: graph of true positive rate vs false positive rate (as some parameter like “threshold” is varied)


Both methods assume classes are normally distributed.

  • LDA. Same variance means optimal class boundary is linear.
  • QDA. Different variances cause the optimal class boundary to be quadratic.

SciKit-Learn vs StatsModels

Some estimators like logistic regression are available in both StatsModels and scikit-learn.

Scikit-learn offers a uniform interface.

StatsModels offers statistical analysis of the results, including a convenient summary method. (Although the name of the summary method may change names for different modeling methods…)

Scikit-learn does not offer statistical analysis tools like p-values for coefficients, and even getting the coefficients themselves is not “official” from the API.

Estimators like KNN, LDA, and QDA are only available from scikit-learn.

Use StatsModels when you want access to statistical information about the underlying model, like p-values for coefficients.

Use scikit-learn for the benefit of a consistent interface across different models, or do not care about low-level details from the model - for example when bootstrapping or doing cross validation.