20. Using Structures

  • 20. Posn Util
  • Utility functions for posns. Accessing functions defined in other files.

  • 20. Click Circle
  • A circle moves around the screen randomly. You win if you can click on it.

  • 20. Click Circle Questions
  • Brief explanation of how to stop animations and show a win screen.

  • 20. Click Mega
  • Challenge Keep track of a score of how many circles have been clicked since the last time you missed a circle. This will require a posn inside another posn.

  • 20. Silly Square
  • A simply silly 'game' to practice win conditions.

  • 20. Tightrope
  • A square changes color as you balance between two circles.

  • 20. Map Image
  • Changing the colors in a picture, pixel by pixel.

  • 20. Color Enhancing
  • One exercise working with color.

  • 20. Review
  • Review questions on posn and color.

  • Troll Quiz Practice
  • A simple example of something you should be able to do.

  • Advanced: Aimbooster
  • In this animation you copy AimBooster.com, but simplified so you can make it with what you know from Chapter 20. A single circle is at a random place. Radius increases. Clicking on the circle gives you points inversely proportional to the radius (maybe 100/radius). When the circle is hit, it disappears and another starts growing. When the circle reaches a certain radius it disappears. After missing three circles, the game is over.