Daily Animations


Make an animation with two stick figures moving at the same time: 1. One starts at the top left corner of the frame and moves right. 2. The other starts in the bottom right corner of the frame and moves left. It is OK if the animation does not work once the figures get to the edge(s). Remember: start with one moving figure, work through the process step by step until you have one figure moving correctly. »


Make an animation with a shape that turns 15 degrees and grows by 20% every second. (Possibly adjust to 5 degrees and 2% every 0.3 sec once it works and you want it to look good.) Make an animation where a shape starts in the upper left corner of an outlines rectangle and moves to a position 5 pixels right and two pixels down every 0.1 second. »


Make an animation of a dog that: gets bigger every time you hit a key (every key). gets smaller when you move the mouse. Memorize Memorize the steps of the design process! »


Flying purple rectangle Make a small rectangle centered in the middle of the bottom of a big white rectangular canvas. As time goes on the rectangle should move up. Growing diamond. Make a diamond that sits on the right side of the page and gets larger. »

Animation Practice

Progress bar 1

Make a solid purple bar that starts in the middle of the left side of the screen and grows to the right at a constant rate.
