Ch03 Signatures

  • Practice writing signatures.
  • Write examples as you go.
  • We did these one at a time.

Write signatures for:

  1. overlay/align
  2. text
  3. ellipse
  4. Write a possible signature for mystery:

  5. Write a signature for magic described below.

    (magic (circle 40 "solid" "blue") 

    Produces two semi-transparent blue circles of radius 40:

    Aside: if they were solid blue, they would look like this:

  6. Write a signature for overtext.

    (overtext "Banned" (scale 5 pic:stick-figure))
  7. Write a signature for dimsum, which returns the sum of the length and width of each of its dimensions.

    (dimsum (rectangle 400 100 "solid" "blue")
            (cirlce 45 "outline" "green"))
    ==> 680