Chapter 12, exercises 23, 24, and 25. Write tests to prove that your work is correct. Those exercises, restated here, are:
public static int[] rotateLeft(int[] a)
: Rotate {0,1,2,3}
to {1,2,3,0}
.public static int[] rotateRight(int[] a)
: Rotate {0,1,2,3}
to {3,0,1,2}
.public static int[] rotate(int[] a, int amount)
: Rotate by amount
to the right, so to the left when amount is negative.Add two positive numbers given by arrays representing the individual digits.
public static int[] add(int[] a, int[] b)
Example 923+94=1017:
public void test_add_1() {
int[] a = {9,2,3};
int[] b = {9,4};
int[] ans = {1,0,1,7};
assertArrayEquals(ans, add(a,b));
Find the average of the greatest two elements in an array.
public static double largestAverage(int [] data)
public void test_largest_average() {
int[] data = {100,40,90,30};
assertEquals(95, largestAverage(data), 0.1);
int[] fdata = {-1000,-30,-31,-80};
assertEquals(-30.5, largestAverage(fdata), 0.1);
int[] gdata = {100,100,50,40};
assertEquals(100, largestAverage(gdata), 0.1);