
  • Memorize how to write a basic main method:
    main = do putStrLn "Loaded"
  • Use “–” (two dashes) to comment to the end of the line. This is equivalent to Racket “;” (semicolon).

  • Function name rules:

    • Must begin with lowercase letter.
    • Hyphens (-) are not allowed in names.
    • Underscore (_) may be used instead.

    • Traditionally camelCase is used for functions. (First letter lowercase, then uppercase each new word.)

  • We will learn about the $ sign soon, but it is a substitute for putting parentheses from somewhere to the end of the line. That means

      putStrLn ( show ( grapher f 0 10 ) )

    could be written as

      putStrLn $ show $ grapher f 0 10