
All Topics

  • Haskell
  • You will need the the text Learn You a Haskell For Great Good. Use repl.it for programming. Haskell is a pure, lazy, statically typed language. In the first chapter you will learn what those terms mean. Later you will learn how to write programs. Chapters 1. Intro A high-level overview of the Haskell language and why its features are good. 2. Starting Out Learn how to make lists and tuples.

  • Haskell Calendar
  • Daily calendar for Haskell unit.

  • Git
  • Git is a system for keeping track of all of the versions of things you write, both old and new. The whole system is quite complex, so we will limit ourselves to a small portion of what it can do. You will use it for several purposes: Turning in your work Backing up your work Transferring work to and from home via the internet instead of using a flash drive Collaborating with a group Incomplete It is impossible to write down everything you need to know about git.

  • Java Methods
  • We use Java Methods, Second Edition by Litvin and Litvin. While a PDF of the whole book is not available, the author has made available many resources: Home page for all textbook resources PowerPoint slides for each chapter. These are quite thorough. Starter code for students. Note that we have the second edition, which is from 2011 (now out of date). There are probably few changes. Chapters 1.

  • Problem Solving
  • Number Triangle The the maximum possible sum of a path in a number triangle, from the top row to the bottom row. Collatz Collatz sequence - maximum length in a range. Primes Create a class to hold prime numbers. Use it to solve some prime-using problems.

  • Unit Testing
  • JUnit testing, like the check-expect system from Racket.

  • I. Semester Review
  • Classes Review Gnome A Gnome has a double precision height in meters and an integer weight in kilograms. When you make a new Gnome, if you do not specify the weight it is assumed to be 10kg. Gnome a = new Gnome(0.37, 4); // 0.37m, 4kg Gnome b = new Gnome(0.61); // 0.61m, 10kg The Gnome class should have the following methods: public void grow(): Increase the height by 0.

  • News
  • AP CS A Exam Date 2019


The course syllabus, grading weights, and other basic information can be found in the resources section of the site.