
Wanted: A snapshot of one of the parts of your career that you find most interesting, with enough details to make it feel “real”.

Who? Anyone whose work involves or could involve automation or computer assistance.

Why? Students benefit from a broad idea of possible career paths, especially careers that are not “popular” in high school. They need to hear what a career is like so they begin to consider it a real option.

Breadth of possibilities: Anything ranging from tasks that “should be” automated to things that are already.

  • Repetitive data analysis (counting bills passed the Illinos House and Senate)..
  • Cutting-edge computer simulation of some process.
  • Custom woodwork that is not automated, explaining why not
  • CNC mill operator: explain the level of exactness for the work, how to measure fine tolerances, come demonstrate some of the measurement tools or bring a small group to the shop. Explain how computer control has improved the process, and a systematic issue that remains.
  • Mechanical engineer in charge of some fickle fabrication process, with a discussion of how to find the source of the problems.
  • Structural engineer at UIUC: pictures of failure modes of reinforced concrete pillar, discuss forces a work, outline lab research program to detect cracking by some new simulation method.
  • Software engineer
  • Computer security - penetration tester.

Include Details? Yes! Details make the difference between totally real challenges and generalities ignored by students.

An interviewer (a student or me) can help flesh out ideas and figure out a good level of detail to include, and potentially do background work or presentation preparation for you.

Volunteer by emailing: Andrew Mauer-Oats (

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