Syllabus: All Courses

Computer Science Syllabus

Please see the grading document for COVID-year grade weights.


The most important information (contact information, grading scale) comes first. Anything you need that you do not see here, check the following sources:

  1. Class web site resources section
  2. Email me and ask:

Course-specific information

Contact information

I read email regularly. Email I am willing to call or text with you. Make sure your student put your phone number on the parent page of the student information form … or email me.


I aim to create an equitable challenge for everyone in my class. I want to provide everyone in the class meaningful work experiences at a manageable but challenging intellectual level. I may give the same credit for different actual assignments to accomplish this goal.

The student side of this equitable challenge is that I expect everyone to work on computer science 100% of the time in class. This applies even if someone is finished with the current assignment or has been absent for a week. I have a shelf full of books available for advanced or catch-up work.

I expect everyone to take my suggestions for improving their work seriously. Computer science is an art as well as a science. Polish good habits, eradicate bad ones. Please admit if you cling to unproductive habits and work honestly to change them.

Grading weights and scale

Normal years:

Percent Category
20 Final Exam/Project (Quarterly)
40 Tests and Quizzes (individual)
20 Projects
20 Participation

Some grade should be updated every week. Every grade category except final exam should be updated every three weeks. Edline will have all raw score information. Only scaled (“curved”) scores will be posted on the CPS Gradebook.

We use the standard Whitney Young grading scale (90+ A, 80+ B, 70+ C, 60+ D, below 60 F).

Class participation will be four points per day. You must be present and engaged in the class activities for the entire class to earn all of the points.

Grading and attendance

You must be present in order to learn from the class.

Absences Consequence
5 Call and email parent.
10 One letter grade (-10 point) deduction to final grade.
15 Additional -5 point deduction to final percentage.
20 Additional -5 point deduction to final percentage.
25 Failure in class

Three tardies more than 5 min late count as one absence.

Any absence with a note from a medical doctor does not count toward the total absences. (Please make sure I see a copy of the note!) All other absences count. Please discuss necessary accomodations for IEP/504 in the first two weeks of class if I am not aware of them.


All assigned work is expected to be completed.

There is no extra credit without regular credit. The way to improve a grade is through consistent effort, seeking help when needed, and allocating enough effective work time outside of class. Please track your work in your interactive notebook so we can discuss how to make your time more effective.

Advanced students may be allowed to replace standard work with projects, but all exceptions will be accompanied by a written contract detailing what other work will be completed to replace the main line coursework. In at most two weeks, the project is due and will receive a grade. Students are still responsible for standard material.

Essentials of involvement

As much as we can, we let students manage their own learning. Occasionally parents should be involved more at home. Sometimes adults need to talk directly. Please contact me directly if you see (or are being told) that grades are not up to date or your student is exempt from the work for any reason and does not have written documentation.

Daily Materials

  • Notebook: A thin spiral or composition notebook dedicated to computer science is required for planning, reflection, and documenting progress.

  • USB Flash Drive: A small USB drive to store files. (Any size is fine. Code is small.)

IEP and 504 plans will be followed

Any student with a 504 or IEP will receive all accomodations listed. Please make sure the teacher has received a copy of the plan at the start of the year (especially if your schedule has changed, sometimes the paperwork follows too slowly).

State standards

Computer Science Teachers Association standards applicable in this class:

  • 4.2.1 Computational Thinking (CT)
  • 4.2.2 Collaboration (CL)
  • 4.2.3 Computing Practice and Programming (CPP) See individual unit plans for more details.