Academic Integrity
Being honest and honorable regarding one’s academic integrity is essential in all of your classes.
Students are expected to adhere to the following honor code regarding all of their work in this class.
- “I have neither given nor received improper aid on this test/project.”
“Improper aid” includes, but is not limited to:
- copying another student’s work
- allowing another student to copy your work
- sharing the problems given on a test to a student who has not taken the test
- copying work from any online or electronic resource without citation
- chatting or texting with another student during a test in which computer use is allowed
On a project (not test), it is acceptable to give suggestions to a student who knows less than you do.
- The student who is giving help may read the code of the student seeking help.
- The student who is giving help may not type (or write) any code.
Penalties when a student is caught cheating in this class may include:
- A zero on the assessment
- Final grade being lowered a letter
- Expulsion from National Honor Society (NHS or NJHS)
- Denial of a future application to National Honor Society (NHS or NJHS)
- Negatively affecting scholarships and post-high school programs for which you have applied
Last modified August 25, 2021: Resources for many classes, writings, etc. (9b30a1b)