Bumper Two Player

Conversion from one player to two player bumper boats.

First, a confession: we don’t actually make the boats bump each other. We needed to finish the discussion in one day, so we did not add any physics that wasn’t present in the one-player version.

One Player Review

The one player code does the following:

  • Bounce off walls
  • Clicking sets velocity to be toward click at 5 units/tick
  • w / s keys make the radius increase / decrease by 5 units.
  • j / k keys make the speed decrease / increase by 10%.
  • c gives a new random color

Requiring bumper-boats-single.rkt gives the following functions:

  • WIDTH, HEIGHT of the screen
  • tick-h
  • mouse-h
  • key-h
  • draw-1-fancy: Boat -> Image: Render one boat, ready to place.
  • Boat: the boat structure
(define-struct boat ([id : Integer] [name : String]
                     [pos : Posn]  [vel : Posn]
                     [color : Color]
                     [radius : Positive-Integer])

Two Player Conversion

The Game structure was a number to keep track of whose turn it is and two Boat structures, one for each player. Require the one player file so the old functions are available.

(require "bumper-boats.single.rkt")
  • Draw-Handler: Place the results from draw-1-fancy of each player’s boat.
  • Key-Handler: Determine whose turn it is, and replace that boat with the results of running the one-player key handler on that boat. Update whose turn it is.
  • Tick-Handler: Update both boats simultaneously.
  • Mouse-Handler: Like the key handler.
Last modified August 25, 2021: added ecs 2018 material (ceb74e0)