2022 Review 4

  1. (Knight Moves.) Given the position of a knight, return a list of all of the legal positions the knight can occupy. Number the board coordinates 0 through 7 for both x and y.

     ;; knight: x(number) y(number) -> (Listof Posn)
  2. (Pawn Push.) In a simplified version of chess, a pawn can move forward unless there is a piece directly in front of it. When they move, “white” pawns increase y by 1 and “black” pawns decrease y by 1.

     (define-struct pawn (team pos))

    You are given a list of posns containing the occupied squares on a chess board, and a list of Pawns. You produce a new list by advancing every pawn that you can on a given team. The occupied squares list is just supposed to make the coding easier.

     ;; pawn-push: (Listof Posn) Team (Listof Pawn)
     ;;            -> (Listof Pawn)
     (define WHITE 1) (define BLACK -1)
     (check-expect (pawn-push (list (make-posn 3 2) (make-posn 3 5))
                              (list (make-pawn BLACK (make-posn 3 5))
                                    (make-pawn WHITE (make-posn 3 2))))
         (list (make-pawn BLACK (make-posn 3 4))
               (make-pawn WHITE (make-posn 3 2))))
  3. (Checkers King Jump.) Given a list of pieces, one piece to move, and ending coordinates (x,y), return true if the move is legal for a king in checkers, false otherwise. A king can move in any direction. Do not consider multiple jumps. Team is either 1 or -1 (representing red or black). Helper functions are encouraged.

     (define-struct piece (team pos))
     ;; team is a number 1 or -1
     ;; x and y are numbers 0 through 7
     ;; checkers-move? : (Listof Piece) Piece Posn
     ;;                   -> boolean
     ;; Here the posn (x,y) is the destination.

    For a move to be legal:

    • Destination square is empty.
    • Destination square is on the board.
    • Destination square is not occupied by a piece.
    • Either:
      • Destination square is 1 diagonal step from the original; or
      • Destination square is 2 diagonal steps from the original, and there is a piece from the opposing team in between.


(require picturing-programs)

(define-struct piece (team pos))

(define RED 1)
(define BLACK -1)

(define BOARD
  (list (make-piece BLACK (make-posn 2 3))
        (make-piece RED (make-posn 3 4))
        (make-piece BLACK (make-posn 4 3))
        (make-piece RED (make-posn 5 4))
        (make-piece RED (make-posn 6 3))
        (make-piece BLACK (make-posn 7 2))
        (make-piece BLACK (make-posn 5 2))
        (make-piece BLACK (make-posn 4 1))))

(define the-p (make-piece RED (make-posn 3 4)))
(check-expect (checkers-move? BOARD the-p
                              (make-posn 2 5))
(check-expect (checkers-move? BOARD the-p
                              (make-posn 2 3))
              false) ;; occupied
(check-expect (checkers-move? BOARD the-p
                              (make-posn 1 2))
              true) ;; jump
(check-expect (checkers-move? BOARD the-p
                              (make-posn 0 1))
              false) ;; too far
(check-expect (checkers-move? BOARD the-p
                              (make-posn 5 6))
               false) ;; again, too far
(define (checkers-move? board piece dest)