I.2 Semester I Review 2

Random dots located on a circle, purify color, Benz symbol.
  1. Random dots on a circle. Create an animation of a dot moving to one of six random locations on a circle. Ideally the locations will be equally spaced.

    Advanced: use the x coordinate of the location to control the amount of red, and the y coordinate to control the amount of green.

    Solution to basic.

  2. Purify color. Given a color name, decide which component has the greatest color value and return it. In the case of a tie you can choose any of the tied values.

purify-color: string(color-name) -> string("red" "green" or "blue")
  1. Cheap Benz symbol. Write a function to create the image below. Then make an animation that lets you control the size of the image (e.g., right and left arrow keys).


  • Dotted Pentagon. The dotted-pentagon function puts a colored dot on one of the five vertices of a regular pentagon. Challenge: the color of the dot is red, but fades…