Snake Multiplayer

Snake with an unlimited number of players.

Make sure you have a working single player snake (if not two player snake) before starting this project!

Overall, people report that the code for multiplayer snake gets large. You probably want to make a separate folder for your snake game and break it into separate files using require and provide. I recommend each file only do one “part” of the animation. To give you an idea, I made separate files for:

  • define-struct
  • examples used in testing
  • draw handler
  • key handler
  • tick handler
  • collision detection (which is part of the tick handler, but it was complicated enough that I made another file)
  • computer player (again, called in tick handler)


For many multi-player snake, we will want:

  • a list of apple locations
  • a list of snakes,

where each snake has

  • id - a number to identify the snake to make it easier to control
  • head - position of the head (could just be first of the body)
  • body - a list of positions
  • dir - a posn giving the direction of motion of the head
(define-struct sn (id head body dir))
(define-struct multi (apples snakes))

Draw Handler

Break the job into pieces, draw each piece on a provided background.

  • draw-snake-1: sn image -> image
  • draw-snakes: list-of-snakes image -> image
  • draw-apple-1: posn image -> image
  • draw-apples: list-of-posn image -> image

Key Handler

I wrote one function to determine which id number snake certain keys control and another function to determine which way the snake turns given the keys.

I then applied the change in direction to the snake with the appropriate id (going through the whole list of snakes and not changing the rest of them).

Tick Handler

There’s a lot to the tick handler. I’m going to leave planning this up to you. Email with questions! This sketch is short / incomplete.