Reversi Flip Plan

In “true reversi”, a play is required to flip one of the opponent’s pieces. There are multiple sensible ways for you to program piece flipping, one is explained here.

This outline is just for context; there is nothing to write (yet) using the information on this page.

Flipping Plan

  • Determine how many steps in a given direction should be flipped. In this plan, this is the most important step. It is described below.

  • Use ray-one to generate a list of all of the posns of pieces that should be flipped.

  • Write a helper function (board-flip-some) to update the board by flipping all of the pieces in a given list. The signature in this case would be

      board-flip-some: list-of-piece(board) list-of-posn -> list-of-piece


The next section explains how to create a function that will find how many pieces are flipped by a certain play.