Reversi Placement

A basic mechanic of placing pieces on the board.

We are going to make an animation where clicking places a piece and space bar changes the current player.

You can choose the colors of the pieces yourself.

Example Model

Make an example game model showing one piece at (2,5) and the current player being the opposite of the one who owns the piece. The mode should be 1.


You need a grid and functions to convert to and from grid coordinates. Those should already be written from earlier projects. Find them now.

Draw Handler

Write a draw handler to draw the pieces of the game on the board. If you are not sure how to do this, break it down into small steps:

  • draw-one: piece image -> image
  • draw-all: list-of-piece image -> image
  • draw-h1: game -> image

Mouse Handler

The mouse handler (version 1) places the piece where you click.

Write a check-expect so you think through what need to do before you write the function.

mouse-h: game-model x y mouse-event -> game-model

Key Handler

Hitting the space bar should switch between players.

Surprisingly, I recommend a helper function!

switch-player: game-model -> game-model