Reversi Structs

Structures used in reversi.

One key question is: how do you want to represent your players?

A name (string) or a number both work. Discussion about this choice is good - write a choice and why you think that will be better

Another question is: in your game model, do you want to represent the pieces of each player in one list for the entire game, or one list for each player?

Both of those choices work, and discussion is essential if you want to understand the implications of each choice.

In the writing below I make one choice to make the guide easier; feel free to choose a different method if you prefer.


A piece holds the information of which player controls it (“team”) and the location of the piece on the board.

(define-struct piece (team loc))
  • The team should be the method you chose, above.
  • The loc should be a posn in “grid coordinates”.


You can call your game mode game or just m for “model”.

(define-struct game (board player mode mouse))

The fields represent:

  • board: a list of piece. In this writeup, both players’ pieces are stored together in a single list.
  • player: the current player, should be the same type of object as team in a piece;
  • mode: a number used to change the way placing pieces behaves - to discuss later;
  • mouse: the most recent position of the mouse, a posn in grid coordinates.