Battleship Examples

An example of how to use the model you defined.

In order for all of us to be working with a similar model, this page uses the definitions below for ship and game.

    (define-struct ship (name posns))
    (define-struct game (ships shots))

How do we represent one ship, a “Destroyer” that is three squares long?

    (define ex-ship 
            (make-ship "Destroyer" 
                       (list (make-posn 5 1) (make-posn 5 2) (make-posn 5 3))))

How can we represent a game in which two shots have been fired?

    (define ex-shots (list (make-posn 5 0)
                           (make-posn 5 1)))
    (define ex-game 
            (make-game (list ex-ship)