Online Help
The best resource I am aware of is Gregor Kiczales’ course How to Code: Simple Data. The course is available for free through edX.
Kiczales Course Structure
The two most important parts of the course (from my point of view) are:
Module 1b: How to Design Functions. The design process.
Module 3a: How to Design Worlds. Big-bang.
How to Design Programs Videos
Professor Matthew Flatt has a long list of videos about Racket fundamentals. Of course some of them are slightly different from what we learn, but overall they teach the difficult fundamentals. No graphics when I checked (Fall 2021).
Other Resources
Signing up for a free online course is too much commitment? You could browse the YouTube playlists of Professor Kiczales. The first video of Summer 110 Weeks 3-4 is an introduction to big-bang.
Last modified November 15, 2021: ICS Quiz Ch 6-7 and site updates. (9fc10b1)