22b. List Exercises 1.5
Elementary exercises with lists.
more-rand: number(x) list of numbers(nums) -> list of numbers
Give a new list with x and an additional random number from 0 through 9 put on the front of the more-rand list.(check-random (more-rand 5 (list 1 2 3)) (list 5 (random 10) 1 2 3))
maybe-no-5: list of numbers -> list of numbers
. If the first number in the list is a 5, skip it, otherwise return the whole list.(check-expect (maybe-no-5 (list 1 5 51)) (list 1 5 51)) (check-expect (maybe-no-5 (list 5 9 14 23)) (list 9 14 23))
pemo: list of numbers -> number
. Find the sum (plus) all of the even numbers in the list and subtract (minus) all of the odd numbers in the list.(check-expect (pemo (list 10 30 5 20 10 11)) 54)
cram-small: list of strings(words) -> string
. Take all of the words that are less than 5 letters long and combine them all into one big string.(check-expect (cram-small (list "cat" "goose" "bear" "dolphin")) "catbear")
Last modified August 24, 2021: intermediate cs and initial hugo changeover (1784229)