Quiz 4 (Medium)

ssm, pairorder
  1. ssm: number(start) number(end) -> number. Find the sum of all of the square roots of odd numbers between start and end (inclusive). Except skip taking the square roots of any perfect squares like 49

     (check-within (ssm 21 27) 
                   (+ (sqrt 21) (sqrt 23) (sqrt 27)) ; skip 25
     (check-within (ssm 7 12)
                   (+ (sqrt 7) (sqrt 11)) ; skip 9 - perfect square
     (check-within (ssm 101 1001) 10008.2 0.1)
  2. The pairorder: string -> string function takes a string and puts each adjacent pair of letters in alphabetical order, beginning at the left and working to the right one letter at a time. This means that a “z” could potentially move several times in one call to pairorder: “zba” when processing the first pair would produce “bza” then when processing the second pair would produce “baz”.

     (check-expect (pairorder "zba") "baz")
     (check-expect (pairorder "ba") "ab")
     (check-expect (pairorder "cba") "bac")
     (check-expect (pairorder "complex") "cmolepx")