22a. Practice++
More practice: sum of sevenths, sum of y-coordinates on a parabola.
A few more practice problems.
Using the parabola $$f(x) = (x+8)(x-6),$$ find the sum of all of the
y-coordinates on the graph of $y=f(x)$ with x an integer between
and right
(“inclusive”: see first example).
(check-expect (parabola-ys 2 2) (* 10 -4))
(check-expect (parabola-ys 2 3) (+ (* 10 -4) (* 11 -3)))
The function
add-sevenths: number(start) number(end) -> number
finds the sum of all of the sevenths with integer numerator between
start and end (inclusive).
(define (add-sevenths start end) 0)
(check-expect (add-sevenths 1 4) (+ 1/7 2/7 3/7 4/7))
(check-expect (add-sevenths 2 4) (+ 2/7 3/7 4/7))
(check-expect (add-sevenths 3 4) (+ 3/7 4/7))
(check-expect (add-sevenths 4 4) 4/7)
Add Odd
Sum all of the odd numbers between start and end (inclusive).
(define (add-odd start end) 0)
(check-expect (add-odd 12 12) 0)
(check-expect (add-odd 11 11) 11)
(check-expect (add-odd 10 11) 11)
(check-expect (add-odd 9 11) (+ 9 11))
(check-expect (add-odd 8 11) (+ 9 11))
(check-expect (add-odd 7 11) (+ 7 9 11))
Add 5s
Sum all of the multiples of five between the start and end number.
(define (add-5s start end) 0)
(check-expect (add-5s 3 17) (+ 5 10 15))
Last modified February 9, 2022: Edits and improvements for recursion unit 2022. New quiz. (b158e62)