Pick a model
- A ball moves around the screen.
- It keeps going in the direction it starts.
- What could the model be?
Define the model
Keep the names short; we will type them a lot.
Define the model
Keep the names short; we will type them a lot.
(define-struct pv (pos vel))
Example needed
Create a pv
structure called ex1
- Position
- Velocity
(make-pv (make-posn 50 200)
(make-posn 10 -30))
- Write
update-pos: pv -> pv
. - Use velocity to change position, one time step.
scale-velocity: pv(orig) num(scale) -> pv
- Multiply both x and y components of velocity of
What would this mean? Sketch first.
Bouncing off walls 1
Should you bounce off of a wall?
Sketch three true and three false.
should-bounce-r? : pv num(xwall) -> boolean
The wall on the right is at x=xwall
Bouncing off walls 2
should-bounce-r? : pv num(xwall) -> boolean
The wall on the right is at x=xwall
Now actually write the function.
Bouncing off walls 3
bounce-r-velocity: pv -> posn(new-velocity)
Given that you bounced, what should your new velocity be?
Draw a sketch!