15. Graphing Review

A review of graphing with people and computer coordinates.

The graph of $f(x)=10 \cos(2x)$ is illustrated below in a window $-\pi \le x \le 2\pi$ and $-15 \le y \le 15$. The graph uses a 400x200 grid of computer pixels.

  1. Fill in a diagram of what you have and what you need. Draw and label arrows for the functions you have or will write.

    x y
    x-people y-people
    x-computer y-computer
  2. Develop xctxp, the function that changes x-computer to x-people.

    • Write a horizontal number line (the x-axis is horizontal) and label it with both people and computer coordinates.
    • Write two check-expects.
    • Figure out the formula, possibly using Wolfram Alpha.
  3. Do the same for the y-coordinates. Draw your number line vertical. (The y-axis is vertical!)

  4. Find the width of each quadrant. Do not be afraid of fractions!

  5. Animate a red dot moving along the graph of the function $y=f(x)$. Have the motion repeat when the dot reaches the right side of the window.

    You do not need to show the graph of the function.