13. Intro Exercises 3

  1. (a) Write a check-expect for (question-1 10 20). (b) Are there any inputs that will cause an error? Explain why or why not.
(define (question-1 x y)
  (and (= 1/2 (/ x y))
       (not (= y 0))))
  1. Simplify and identify any errors:
(define (question-2 boat-sinking? have-lifejackets?)
  (or (boolean=? boat-sinking? false) 
  1. Simplify and identify any errors:
(define (eat-cheap hungry? money mcburger?)
  (and (> money 1) hungry? (< money 20) 
       (or mcburger? (not mcburger?))))
  1. Write the function before-water?: string -> boolean that takes in a string and determines if the string appears before the word “water” in the dictionary.

  2. Write the function bookends?: string -> boolean that takes in a string and produces true if the string appears before “book” or after “end” in the dictionary.

  3. Write a function avoids-yellow?: image -> boolean that is true if the image is neither a yellow square nor a yellow circle.

Last modified December 2, 2021: Minor edits from student comments. (59e84ef)