13. Intro Exercises 2

  1. Simplify, explain and correct errors if needed.

    • (and (< x 10) (> x 3) (< x 12))
    • (or (= 0 1) (< 15 8) (string=? "dog" "DOG"))
    • (not (= (+ 1 3 7 9) (+ 2 4 6 8)))
    • (boolean=? (or (boolean=? lunchtime? true) study-hall?) false)
  2. What does this function do? Is there any possibility of an error.

(define (mystery n)
  (or (= n 0) 
      (< 15 (/ 100 n))))
  1. Does writing the function above in a different way matter?
(define (mystery2 n)
  (or (< 15 (/ 100 n))
      (= n 0)))
  1. (Challenge) The lucky-charm? : image -> boolean. Give true if the image matches pic:unicorn (you can pick this image) or an orange star (must work for every size orange star). Write some check-expects first!

     (check-expect (lucky-charm? (star 20 "solid" "orange"))
     (check-expect (lucky-charm? (star 30 "solid" "orange"))
     (check-expect (lucky-charm? pic:hacker)
     (check-expect (lucky-charm? pic:unicorn)
Last modified December 2, 2021: Minor edits from student comments. (59e84ef)