Number Models 3

Remainder to repeat. Random dots.

Remainder warmups


Divide 324 by 7. What is the quotient? The remainder?


When you change 324 to other numbers, what possible remainders can you get? (For example, can you get a remainder of 2 by dividing something by 7? What?)


An animation will just count from 0 to 6, then start over again at zero.

Write the model you choose, then checks and a function for the tick handler.

More animation

Show the numbers (in order): 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, then go back to 10 and repeat.

  • Model?
  • Tick handler.

Repetition (without conditionals)

What does this tick-hander do? Write checks for the results when num=0, num=1, and num=4.

(define (repeat-it num)
    (remainder (+ num 1) 5))

Class practice

1a. Make a shape of your choice start at x=100, y=40, then move to x=100,y=110, then to x=100,y=180, then back to x=100, y=40. The motion should happen every second.

1b. Hit a key to make the shape go to a random one of those three locations.