Animations Summary

A quick list of essential information for making animations.

This is a summary, not an introduction. It has a digest of all of the information you will want later.


These essentials are on page 100 (PDF page 111) or page 138 (PDF page 149). There is a detailed checklist on page 105 (PDF page 116). Use it! You should memorize them.

  • model: What the computer remembers.

  • draw-handler: model -> image: Draw the model on the screen; adds non-moving parts to the image. (on-draw)

  • tick-handler: model -> model: Update the model as time passes. (on-tick)

  • key-handler: model key -> model: Update the model when a key is hit. (on-key)

  • mouse-handler: model x y event -> model: Update the model when the mouse is moved or clicked. The inputs x and y are numbers, the event is a string. (on-mouse)

Design Process

When designing every function, these are the steps you should follow:

  1. Signature
  2. Purpose
  3. Example
  4. Function — write it
  5. Test — check-expect

Reference: page 70 (PDF page 81) has a longer version of the same list.


  • Q: Why do you write “model” when the model is just an image?

    A: Next chapter our models will be numbers, and soon after that our models will be sentences. If you memorize “model” as the type, you don’t need to memorize a new signature every chapter.