Homer and Donut

Molly and the chew toy. Homer and the donut.

Molly the Dog

Molly the Dog likes to play with her chew toy. Molly is vicious before she plays with her chew toy, happy while she plays with it, and relaxed after playing with it.

Make a variable got toy that is:

  • 0 before Molly touches the toy
  • 1 when Molly is touching the toy
  • 2 after Molly is done playing with the toy

Homer and the Donut

Design this project on paper, then program it on the computer:

  • The donut starts out in a bag.
  • Homer wants a donut, but he can’t see the donut when it is in the bag.
  • When the donut is in the bag, Homer won’t eat it (because he doesn’t know it’s there), even if he touches it.
  • Click on the bag to take the donut out of the bag. (Now Homer will eat it.)
  • Motion using keys or
     go to [mouse pointer v] 

Advanced: If Homer has not touched the donut 10 seconds after it is unwrapped, he glides to touch the donut.

Last modified August 25, 2021: added ecs 2018 material (ceb74e0)