You are in charge of making a show for DubTV.
Sprites: main character, other character, camera, computer.
Additional information: there is a “scene” area of screen to “film”. (Could be a sprite.)
- Get the camera sprite (touch it).
- Go to the “scene” and touch the other character. Hit “f” to film.
- You cannot film unless you are in the scene area.
- You must be touching the other character to film.
- Go to the computer to distribute the video.
- Computer says “You have no footage” if you have not filmed.
- Computer says “Uploading DubTV…” and then five seconds later it says “DubTV ready!”
- Camera sprite disappears when you have it.
- When you are filming, use a diffent set of keys (wasd, arrows) to control the other character. Write the motions “up” “down” “left” “right” to a list.
- After DubTV is ready, you can go to a TV and touch it to “play” - then the TV says the actions with a short delay between each one.
Last modified August 25, 2021: added ecs 2018 material (ceb74e0)