Treasure Hunt

A treasure hunt with a door you cannot pass and loot to win.
  • Get a key (disappears when you have it).
  • Door opens when touched after have the key.
  • Win when you get the money.
  • Cannot walk through door or walls.

Common Misunderstandings

These statements are the way the game should work.

  • The door does not open immediately when you get the key, you need to walk over and touch the door to open it.

  • Door is always visible!

  • Cannot get treasure without getting past door.


If your sprite gets stuck trying once it hits a wall, make it so you can actually move in one direction even while you are touching the wall. Example:

when [d v] key pressed
    if < touching color (black) > then
      point in direction (-90)
      move (5) steps
      point in direction (90)
      move (5) steps

Last modified August 25, 2021: added ecs 2018 material (ceb74e0)