
Create a class to hold prime numbers. Use it to solve some prime-using problems.

Create a class PrimeNumbers. It should have:

  • an boolean isPrime(int n) function to determine if a number is prime
  • a int get(int k) function to return the k-th prime, starting with get(0) returning 2.

You can make these (and everything else inside the PrimeNumbers class) static, but that makes it complicated to initialize the prime list in phase two, so I decided not to do that.

The class looks like this:

public class PrimeNumbers {
  public boolean isPrime(int n);
  public int get(int index); // prime#0 is 2


PrimeNumbers pnums = new PrimeNumbers();

Phase One: Basic Interface

  1. Just use an array to hold a fixed number of primes at the start, and make a get method that just returns a value from that array.

     private static int[] primes = {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,27};
  2. Review the discussion from in class and write an efficient isPrime method that checks only prime numbers up to the square root of the number being tested.

  3. Test your isPrime method using JUnit testing.

Phase Two: Improvements

We will see the benefit of “information hiding” when we change our code to compute more prime numbers when they are needed. We are going to change the fixed-length list of primes into an ArrayList that grows automatically, and then change the get method to automatically find new primes as needed.

  • Make an ArrayList<Integer> instance variable to hold the prime numbers. Put 2 in it initially. (What part of the class should do this?)

  • Write a public int nextPrime() method that finds the next prime number after the last one in the list, and adds it to the list. (Why should this method actually be private?)

  • Test the nextPrime() method using JUnit.

  • Modify the get(int index) method so that it will generate more primes automatically if asked for a prime number index greater than or equal to the size of the list.

Phase Three: Useful

Write ArrayList<Integer> primeFactors (long n) to produce a list of all of the prime factors (repeated as needed, so {2,2,2} for 8).

Phase 3: Use It

  1. Find the 10,001st prime number.
  2. Find the largest prime factor of 88,762,035,289L.
  3. How about 4,395,275,946,425,798,569L?
Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2018-2019 (cfa3191)