AP CS Skills Intro

An overview of the AP CS expectations.

At Whitney Young, AP Computer Science A is the second course in the programming sequence. The expectation is that you have mastered the skills of Intermediate Computer Science.

The purpose of a summer assignment is so that you have some additional evidence that you have mastered these skills. The end of Spring 2020 was unusual, so more people than usual may need to review in the summer.

Skills Required

  • structures
  • lists
  • write check-expects to see if functions work
  • how to manage a large project

Skills We Will Learn

There is no need to learn these in the summer, we will learn them in AP CS.

  • types (Typed Racket)
  • object-oriented programming (Java, C++, even Racket has this!)


I would like people to help each other but not share code. This means do not look at someone else’s code. You can share:

  • function names
  • purpose statements
  • check-expects

Get in touch with me if you cannot do the work basically on your own. I will help you get ready. Friends need too much help? Rat them out nicely. (“Has Jason emailed you yet? I think he has some questions about how the project is supposed to go.”)

Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2019-2020 (4d1c12c)