Karel Intellij

How to use IntelliJ IDEA to work with our Karel the Robot configuration.

This documents using IntelliJ IDEA development environment. Way overkill unless DrJava is giving you trouble.

Easy method

  • Clone the apcs-karel-intellij repository.

    This is just a snapshot to get you started at home. I just copied all of the java files from the karel repository to a new directory in the correct place.

git clone https://github.com/2017-2018-wy-ap-cs/apcs-karel-intellij
  • IDEA has: File -> New -> Project from existing sources… that will let you import my files. If you are lucky you can even just use my whole folder.

Step by step

  1. New project in IDEA: File -> New -> Project…
  2. Make lib and src subfolders.
  3. KarelJRobot.jar goes into lib.
  4. All java files go into src.
  5. IDEA:
    • File -> Project Structure… -> Modules (under Project Settings on left)
    • Select “Dependencies” tab.
    • Use “+” and choose the KarelJRobot.jar file in the lib folder.
    • I checked the box “Export”; not sure if that matters.
  6. Build -> Build Project. I had to delete the “HackBot.java” since I did not include the hacked KarelHRobot library.
  7. Run -> Run…
Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2017-2018 (3bb9976)