4.6 FishBot

A fish robot that alternates between two strategies so it is harder for predators to predict its motion.


The purpose of this assignment is to motivate the use of Strategies instead of “hard-coding” individual behavior into an object.


A fish that is startled moves to get away from a predator. If a fish always does the same behavior to escape, it is easy for a predator to predict what will happen and the fish will get eaten. In order to avoid getting eaten, a fish alternates between darting forward and darting to the left.

  • DartForward: a Strategy of moving forward three times

  • DartLeft :a Strategy of turning left and moving forward once

  • FishBot is a kind of (our) StrategyLayer that remembers two different strategies and alternates betweewn them.

    • public void startle() activates the startle reflex, running the current strategy for escape
    • public void swapStrategy() switches between the two strategies that the fish knows


  • Confusion between StrategyLayer and Strategy.
    • How are they actually related?
    • Can both be created? (new Strategy() vs new StrategyLayer(...))
  • What is the relationship between FishBot and StrategyLayer?
  • Too-specific names for things:
    • iFishBotStrategy for the interface
    • variables of type DartStrategy and DodgeLeftStrategy instead of just Strategy

Some of these difficulties should have come up with the ArmyCaricature, so we need to revisit that!

Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2017-2018 (3bb9976)