4.6 PrettyBoxBot

PrettyBoxBot to practice interfaces

A PrettyBoxBot makes a square box on the screen. In order to let a person easily configure it without learning how to design new robots, the PrettyBoxBot accepts two strategies in its constructor.

  • Side laying strategy: controls how long the side is
  • Corner beautifying strategy: controls how many beepers get put on a corner.

Putting lots of beepers on the corners of a box makes it more beautiful in robot-land.

The PrettyBoxBot itself should have some abilities that help make the box:

  • putAndGo(): Build a single unit of the box wall.
  • makeBox(): Build the entire box.

In the PrettyBoxBot constructor you will want to accept the side laying and corner beautifying strategies and remember them.

As usual, there is sample code from our discussion on the class GitHub in the karelCh4.drjava project.

Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2017-2018 (3bb9976)