2. Final - CodingBat

Period 2 final programming question.

sticksOut. A word in an array “sticks out” if there is one word before it and one word after it, and it is alphabetically after the word that comes after it or it is at least two letters shorter than the word before it. Return a copy of the given array in which every word that “sticks out” is replaced by the last half of the word after it.

  • Use case-insensitive comparison.
  • If the “halves” of a word must be uneven, make the first “half” larger.
==> ["alfa","bravo","lie","charlie"]

==> ["walnut", "nce", "quince"]

==> ["DELTA","eragon","TRO","FOXTRO"]

==> ["aaa","cc","d","dd"]

Note: The notation […] denotes an array, although this is not syntactically correct Java. Use the correct syntax in your program and tests.

  • Write the function sticksOut.
  • Write at least three additional tests.
  • Use the Starter code and automated testing.
Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2017-2018 (3bb9976)