Q3. Classes More 1

Writing classes, some review problems.

We have NoisyDog and SportsFan classes to practice working with abstract classes and implementing interfaces.


Write the abstract class Noisy and the subclass NoisyDog.

    public abstract class Noisy {
        // add any variables you need
        public Noisy (int n);

        // print the designated noise one time
        public abstract void noise();
        // print the designated noise N times
        public void makeNoise();

    public class NoisyDog extends Noisy {
        // "bark" three times by default
        public NoisyDog(); 
        // prints the bark string 3 times
        public NoisyDog(String bark);

        // Also need to implement this
        public void noise();


    public interface SportsFan { 
        String cheer();
        String boo();
  1. Make a BoorFan class that implements the SportsFan interface. A BoorFan does not cheer, so just return the empty string for that method. A BoorFan returns "You stink!" when booing.

  2. Make a GetRowdy class that cheers twice, separated by spaces, when asked to cheer. It boos three times.

     public class GetRowdy implements SportsFan {
         public GetRowdy (SportsFan p) {
             // write this
         // other methods required 
  3. A DolphinFan says "flip" to cheer and "glub" to boo. Make the DolphinFan class.

  4. The following code has some OK parts and some errors. Which lines are errors? If a line is not an error, explain what happens when you call the cheer() method of that object.

     public void demo() {
         SportsFan s = new SportsFan();  // 1
         SportsFan t = new BoorFan();    // 2
         BoorFan b = new SportsFan();    // 3
         GetRowdy r = new GetRowdy();    // 4
         GetRowdy rr = new GetRowdy(t);  // 5
         GetRowdy d = 
            new GetRowdy(new DolphinFan()); // 6
         /* Call cheer() on all of them. What do they do? */ 
Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2017-2018 (3bb9976)