Programming Project
Briefly: Complete 3-5 problems from ProCom 4 on HackerRank.
Five “points” is an A. You should be working on problems of an appropriate level of difficulty for you. (Don’t do five easy problems in one day and then say you are done.)
List the programs that you have completed.
For each one:
- Did you have any difficulties?
- What were they?
- What was the root cause of one of those difficulties?
- Did you learn something? What?
Problem-specific comments
A Hexing Situation: You cannot use split() - test cases have extra whitespace in them (not every word is separated by a single space).
Rebuilding the Rebellion Part Two: Many people forget to handle the “No Win” situation. Another common problem is to check the main diagonal twice instead of checking both diagonals once.
Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2017-2018 (3bb9976)