11. Quiz B

  • Clothes interface has int fashion() and int warmth().

  • HeadCovering is a class that implements the Clothes interface. Its constructor sets fashion and warmth, in that order.

  • WoolClothes is a class that implements the Clothes interface. It takes in a Clothes object in its constructor. It adds 5 to the warmth provided by the Clothes because they are made of wool.

  • Person is an abstract class with a String name field and a String getName() function, as well as abstract methods int getWarmth() and int getFashion(). Constructor sets the name.

  • PlainPerson is a subclass of Person with a warmth of 90 and a fashion of 50, always.

  • BigFashionPerson is a subclass of Person that has an ArrayList<Clothes>.

    * Constructor takes in a name and an arraylist of clothes.
    * Their warmth is the sum of the warmth of their clothes.
    * Their fashion is the *minimum* of the fashion of their clothes.


    // copy and paste? define public static void aassert(bool b)...true=ok, false=fail
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Clothes hat = new HeadCovering(20, 105);
        Clothes underArmor = new WoolClothes (hat);
        Clothes denim = new HeadCovering(95,40);
        ArrayList<Clothes> w = new ArrayList<>();

        Person p1 = new PlainPerson("Jane");
        aassert(50 == p1.getFashion());
        aassert(90 == p1.getWarmth());

        Person p2 = new BigFashionPerson("Sanjana", w);
        aassert(20+25+95 == p2.getWarmth());
        aassert(40 == p2.getFashion());


An object that implements the Clothes interface has an integer value for its fashion level and its warmth rating. The methods in the Clothes interface are accessor methods that return those values.