3. Intro to OOP

An introduction to object oriented programming, getting started with Java.
  • Install BlueJ. If you are on a school computer (no Administrator access), you should download the “Standalone zip” from the BlueJ Downloads Page. Otherwise the “MSI Installer” is the way to go.

  • Get the AP CS GridWorld. The easiest download is the Gridworld for BlueJ. There are some configurations you can change, see that page for details.

Read the documentation

The README in your GitHub repository should have information on how to get set up and started.


  1. (Wed class) Part 1: Observe and Interact with Gridworld (all numbered questions)
  2. (Wed-Thurs) Part 2: Bug Variations

All Files

3. Writing Basic Classes 1

Practice writing straightforward classes: instance variables, constructor, getter, setter methods.

3. Writing Basic Classes 2

HobbleBug and friends, a good first or second day for writing classes.

3. Writing Basic Classes 3

The last sequence of practice classes.

3. Classes Quiz

Quiz on basic class definition, GridWorld construction.

Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2018-2019 (cfa3191)