2018-10-09 Project
The end-of-Haskell project.
You have a week to complete this project. You will need to find time to work on it outside of class.
Due: Monday, October 15, 2018
Option 1 (Recommended)
Do both of the following, including at least three tests for each function:
Six coding bat problems. Recommended sources
One Computing Olymiad problem, Bronze level. (Ex: Dec 2015 or Jan 2016)
Option 2 (Advanced, A+)
Write Connect Four. There is a project walkthrough with a list of functions to write and notes on the trouble spots.
Option 3 (Struggling, B)
Do ten CodingBat problems instead of adding the Bronze Computing Olympiad problem.
Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2019-2020 (4d1c12c)