Short quiz confirming knowledge
Short quiz confirming knowledge
Interactive graphics demo using Haskell on code.world.
Connect Four win detection.
topOfPile and make_move
Warm-up functions for drawing the board.
Introduction to Connect Four
Utility functions. Noticing infinite loops.
Logic and lists practice: isEverywhere.
Eight before nine in a list.
The function shuffle2 :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] takes in two lists of numbers and interleaves them, taking two from the first list, then one from the second list. When one list runs out the rest of the other list is output. shuffle2 [10,20,30,40] [100,200,300] == [10,20,100,30,40,200,300] (either24 :: [Int] -> Bool) Given an array of ints, return true if the array contains a 2 next to a 2 or a 4 next to a 4, but not both.
The makes function takes in a number n and a list of numbers xs. It returns the number of ways to make n by adding the first number in the list to some other number later in the list. makes :: Int -> [Int] -> Int makes 12 [6,6] == 1 makes 11 [8,3,11,3] == 2 makes 2 [1,1,1,1] == 3 Continue to Chapter 4 Discussion IV.
Money formatter. List of Char vs String.
notAlone, Team Tic-Tac-Toe
The end-of-Haskell project.
USACO Bronze December 2016, Question 1.
USACO Bronze December 2016, Question 2.
More CodingBat problems.
CodingBat problems to improve your problem-solving skills.
Battleship and homework review.
Indentation matters. A lot.
Technical details that came up while doing Chapter 2 Homework.
worked examples - removeVowels and wordLenPairs
Short quiz confirming knowledge
Interactive graphics demo using Haskell on code.world.
Connect Four win detection.
topOfPile and make_move
Warm-up functions for drawing the board.
Introduction to Connect Four
Utility functions. Noticing infinite loops.
Logic and lists practice: isEverywhere.
Eight before nine in a list.
Money formatter. List of Char vs String.
notAlone, Team Tic-Tac-Toe
The end-of-Haskell project.
USACO Bronze December 2016, Question 1.
USACO Bronze December 2016, Question 2.
More CodingBat problems.
CodingBat problems to improve your problem-solving skills.
Battleship and homework review.
Indentation matters. A lot.
Technical details that came up while doing Chapter 2 Homework.
worked examples - removeVowels and wordLenPairs