7. Maybe
Ordering lists items. The Maybe typeclass.
The Maybe
class is built into the standard prelude, so you will only
need to import Data.Maybe
if you want some of the more advanced
Info: when you sort a tuple, Haskell sorts based on the first item in the tuple, then the second item to break ties in the first, etc.
sort [(3,4),(5,1),(3,1),(1,2)]==[(1,2),(3,1),(3,4),(5,1)]
Top Lists
top3list :: [Int] -> [Int]
: Give the three greatest integers, in decreasing order. -
gives then
greatest items, in decreasing order.toplist :: (Ord a) => Int -> [a] -> [a]
gives the top 3 items organized according to the resuts from a function.top3By :: (Ord a) => (a -> Int) -> [a] -> [a]
Testing code
Signatures and tests.
top3list xs = xs
-- gives a list of the greatest 10 integers
-- in the input, in decreasing order
numlist = [99,30,40,100,80,5]
ce1 = [
[100, 99, 80] == top3list numlist
, [100,99,80,40] == toplist 4 numlist
, [-90,80,-60]==top3By (abs) [-90,80,-60,30,40]
, ["Jaylin","Matt","Kid"]==top3By (length) ["KJ","Kid","OK","Matt","Ji","Jaylin"]
-- 2.
-- 3. try sort on a tuple
top3By :: (Ord a) => (a -> Int) -> [a] -> [a]
top3By f xs = xs
- Write a function that takes in a number and produces
that number when the number is at most 80, otherwiseNothing
Word Counter
Produce a count of how many times each word appears in a list of words
Testing code
Signatures and tests.
wordCounter :: [(String,Int)] -> String -> [(String,Int)]
wordCounter _ _ = []
-- if word is not seen, add (word,1) to list
-- if word is already seen, add 1 to its count
ce2 = [wordCounter [("Not",4)] "Good" == [("Good",1),("Not",4)]
,wordCounter [("Not",4)] "Not" == [("Not",5)]
-- wc2 :: [String] -> [(String,Int)] -- you could just jump to your end goal
Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2019-2020 (4d1c12c)