Everyday Git

Everyday Commands

All of these need to be run in the karel-* directory:

  • ./save-it
  • ./update: git pull from the upstream repository.
  • git pull

Merge Conflicts

Sometimes you will modify a file at home without having saved (pushed) your changes at school. This causes a dreaded “merge conflict” when you update.

Simple Merging

If you are lucky, you are at school and you know that you just want to use the code from home (the “incoming code” from the pull). In that case, you should do:

git checkout --theirs karelBasic.drjava

Of course, replace karelBasic.drjava with the names of the files with the merge conflicts. The converse, keeping the “local” changes, not the incoming ones, is the --ours flag.

git checkout --ours ImportantFile.java

Advanced Merging

When the problem is more difficult, edit the file with NotePad++ and you should see the “ours” and “theirs” sections marked off by a bunch of < = and > signs. Pick the code you want to keep and delete the rest.

@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ import java.io.*;

 public class Merging {
     public Merging () {
<<<<<<< HEAD
         System.out.println("Merging object was not constructed fast enough to avoid conflict!!");
        System.out.println("Merging object is being constructed!!");
>>>>>>> 36215863faef38cac7822b290a893ce1e150420c

After deleting the markers and duplicated code, add and commit.

Last modified August 25, 2021: ap-cs 2017-2018 (3bb9976)