2048 Design

The first step is to make a playable game of 2048. This makes sure we have correctly implemented all of the internal logic.


I suggest you use a list of 16 numbers: [0]*16 to start out. So that everyone in the class talks about the same repesentation, number the squares like this:

 0  1  2  3
 4  5  6  7
 8  9 10 11
12 13 14 15


Make sure you know the rules of 2048. Write them down and make test cases that demonstrate that your program follows them. For example, what happens when you have a row [2,2,4,4]? How about [0,4,4,4]? Does it matter if you slide these examples left or right?

Possible Class Design

A Board2048 class could have the following methods.

  • An instance variable self.board for the list of 16 numbers.
  • A constant DIRECTIONS and definitions for numbers to represent UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT.
  • A method slide(direction) to shift the board.
  • Helper methods left(), right(), up(), down() to let you work step by step on getting them all right.
  • An empty_squares() method returning a list of all empty squares.
  • A legal_moves() method returning the directions in which the tiles can be slid.
  • Possibly a spawn() method which returns a new object containing one additional, randomly placed, tile. The standard game is reported to produce a “2” tile 90% of the time, and a “4” tile 10% of the time. I make every empty square equally likely to contain the spawned tile.
  • A game_over() method is needed somewhere. A game can continue when either (i) there is an empty space; or (ii) two adjacent tiles have the same value.