- Examples are important.
- Work at an appropriate level.
- Debugging is important.
- In my opinion, problem solving in computer science comes through working examples. Slow down enough to make examples and think through your program to make sure it gives the results you want for those examples.
- Do not move to a higher level problem until you can do the ones at your current level easily. Two hours to get a working solution means you need to continue to work at that level. One hour, probably the same.
- Ego tells us to push on when we do not have a solid foundation. Choose learning over ego.
- When you fix a problem, look back and identify the source of the error. Mistakes are unavoidable. Ask yourself: was there something you could have done differently that would have lead you to find the mistake more quickly?
Problem Sets
You may discover that you do not have enough knowledge to complete one of the three problems. Make a clear writeup including examples and what method you believe will work.
Consider using Python sets and dictionaries in your work.