A list of the first 1000 integers.
A list of the first 1000 perfect squares.
The sum of the first 100 perfect cubes.
A list of all of the perfect cubes between 1000 and 20000.
The product of the numbers in the previous list, computed using a for loop.
. -
Find the greatest common divisor of 1558853167347433739 and 10062552685783700385249011.
The last 20 characters of the string
"A dolphin likes the water. A snake slithers in the sand."
What is the difference between
, andmath.pow(5,3)
? Ask about5^3
if it is hard to understand. -
Print this part of a poem:
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) i fear
USACO milkmix problem: 2018 December Bronze 1.